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Mark Carnelley

The Time Detective - Discovery

The Time Detective - Between Two Worlds

(coming soon)

The Omega Chronicles

(to be released 27//2/18)


The Time Detective - Discovery

The Omega Chronicles

(available 27/2/18)

The Time Detective - Between Two Worlds

(coming soon)


Hi there. I'm Mark Carnelley. Welcome to my website where I will endeavour to showcase my books as they are published.

A bit about myself first.

I am 58 years old, married to the beautiful Jeanette for over 34 years. We have 5 children (4 boys & 1 girl) and 1 granddaughter.

My background includes 15 years in IT as a senior analyst/COBOL programmer, 11 years as a truck driver, FOXTEL & telephony installer and 12.5 years in security. I "retired" in Dec. 2014 due to medical issues and now potter around with a small mail pickup/delivery run 2-3 days/week and a few days UBER driving.

My "retirement" gave me the time to pursue my lifelong passion for writing.

I am working on multiple projects at the moment, including the 2nd book in the "Time Detective" series plus two children's books series.

There are also numerous stand-alone book projects which are basically ideas floating around in my aging grey-matter.

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